Update to Start 2024

A brief post collating a few bits of my various work published across the interwebs ….

The Annals of Emergency Medicine Podcast continues to summarise the meatiest articles from each month, featuring a cycle of new co-hosts, as well:

Naturally, there are continuing Journal Club features, covering the following articles:

I should also point out a couple additional new publications with two very different and amazing teams:

Lastly, in ACEPNow, we have:


Winter Recap

Spring is here down in this nuclear-free hemisphere. This blog is still effectively in stasis – but the productivity continues elsewhere!

Don’t forget the Annals of Emergency Medicine Podcast, a lighthearted feel-good romantic comedy with Rory Spiegel, available for free on your choice of streaming platforms:

Bimonthly #FOAMed in ACEPNow:

And, lastly, everyone’s favorite part of their residency curriculum, the Annals of Emergency Medicine Journal Club – in which we update folks from the wider world of medical literature in concise summaries for emergency medicine practice:
