Liability Protections For Emergency Services

Smart folks at ACEP – tying liability reform to cost savings, which makes liability protection for Emergency Physicians an easier sell.  I have to say, the training environment these days is so skewed, I don’t think anyone graduating now knows how to practice without scanning everyone, as it’s become generally the standard of care.  The “quality of care” argument is a little new to me – but I certainly could move patients through more quickly, have less sign-out liability, etc., if I weren’t tying up beds waiting for scans.

But, the threat of a lawsuit is a big one.  And it’s not just us – so many PMDs refer their patients to the ED for a CT scan – whether the test is indicated, how miserable a malpractice hearing would it be to have testimony from the PMD who thought a CT was indicated after you declined to order it.

Next step beyond liability protection – Press-Ganey protection – for all these patients who expect answers, and CTs at the minimum, and aren’t going to fill out very favorable patient satisfaction surveys without getting what they want….