You’re Damn Screwed on Ticagrelor

If you’re unlucky enough to suffer intracranial bleeding, your unluckiness is compounded if you’re concurrently taking any sort of anticoagulation.  Some agents have relatively-effective reversal options – typically prothrombin concentrate complexes or fresh frozen plasma.  Anti-platelet agents, however, tend to irreversibly bind and inactivate platelets – and the only theoretical reversal strategy is transfusion with new, unblemished platelets.

That definitely won’t work for ticagrelor.

This brief letter in the NEJM details the unfortunate case of a man suffering a hemorrhagic transformation following a stroke while on ticagrelor.  As part his treatment, these authors transfused the patient a total of 17 units of platelets.  After said transfusion, the platelet-reactivity index barely rose from 0% to approximately 10% immediately following the transfusion – but then returned to 0% an hour later, and remained unchanged at 0% seven hours later when rechecked.  As you might expect, with 0% platelet activity, the patient expired as a result of his intracranial bleeding.

If you can manage not to waste blood products in such futile action, please do so.  Also, beware!

“Inefficacy of Platelet Transfusion to Reverse Ticagrelor”

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