Hoffman v. Albers tPA Debate from Oregon Stroke Network

You know Jerry Hoffman.  Do you know Greg Albers?  Among his many accolades, he was one of the investigators from the failed trial of ATLANTIS – which, not coincidentally, concluded Genentech’s involvement in randomized trials testing tPA in acute stroke.

This past summer, the Oregon Stroke Network hosted Dr. Hoffman debating Dr. Albers, entitled “t-PA: Proof or Peril?”  As one condition of his speaking, he simply asked the debate be recorded and hosted on the internet for all to view.

And so it is:
Debate Part 1 (2 hours)
Debate Part 2 (8 minutes)

In addition, the conference website has the PDFs of their presentations – as well as diverse other presentations, including those of Dr. Tom DeLoughery, covering the new anticoagulation options in atrial fibrillation.


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