Grilling Injuries on Memorial Day

If life were a generic action movie, otherwise idyllic backyard food preparation activity would be interrupted by nonsensical brawling.  And, invariably, the injuries occurring would probably include those suffered from direct contact – in effect, to grill the villainy out of the antagonist.

Reality is rather less sensationalist.  Indeed, apparently, the grilling injury of note is rather from the wire bristles on the grill cleaning implement.  These wire bristles become inadvertently detached, embedded in the culinary creations, and ultimately ingested.  As this CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report report on a small case series of grilling injuries states:

“The severity of injury ranged from puncture of the soft tissues of the neck, causing severe pain on swallowing, to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract requiring emergent surgery.”

Yet another hidden danger in the home!

“Injuries from ingestion of wire bristles from grill-cleaning brushes – Providence, Rhode Island, March 2011-June 2012.”