The Machine Can Learn

A couple weeks ago I covered computerized diagnosis via symptom checkers, noting their imperfect accuracy – and grossly underperforming crowd-sourced physician knowledge. However, one area that continues to progress is the use of machine learning for outcomes prediction.

This paper describes advances in the use of “big data” for prediction of 30-day and 180-day readmissions for heart failure. The authors used an existing data set from the Telemonitoring to Improve Heart Failure Outcomes trial as substrate, and then applied several unsupervised statistical models to the data with varying inputs.

There were 236 variables available in the data set for use in prediction, weighted and cleaned to account for missing data. Compared with the C statistic from logistic regression as their baseline comparator, the winner was pretty clearly Random Forests. With a baseline 30-day readmission rate of 17.1% and 180-day readmission of 48.9%, the C statistic for the logistic regression model predicting 30-day readmission was 0.533 – basically no predictive skill. The Random Forest model, however, achieved a C statistic of 0.628 by training on the 180-day data set.

So, it’s reasonable to suggest there are complex and heterogenous data for which machine learning methods are superior to traditional models. These are, unfortunately, pretty terrible C statistics, and almost certainly of very limited use for informing clinical care. As with most decision-support algorithms, I would be curious also to see a comparison with a hypothetical C statistic for clinician gestalt. However, for some clinical problems with a wide variety of influential factors, these sorts of models will likely become increasingly prevalent.

“Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Heart Failure Readmissions”