Laundry Detergent is Delicious Candy

Children, rumor has it, are curious, persistent, and nefarious creatures.  Furthermore, the entire natural environment must first be tasted.  Thus, age-old cautionary guidance regarding home safety for children to prevent exposure to potentially hazardous materials.

So, naturally, laundry detergent would be kept safely out of reach of children – particularly the pre-packaged pod systems, which are candy-like and perfect for oral consumption – correct?


According to this data from the National Poison Data System, in just a single year, there were 17,230 calls for pediatric exposure to laundry detergent pods in just two years, between January 2012 and December 2013.  The majority – 79.7% of cases – were secondary to ingestion.  4.4% of patients with an ingestion were judged to necessitate hospitalization, including 102 requiring intubation.  One death was reported – but the autopsy showed intracranial bleeding of uncertain/unlikely relation to the ingestion of detergent.

The authors specifically call out Procter & Gamble, maker of Tide Pods, for failure to place adequate warning labels or safety latches on their packaging – although, frankly, the ultimate responsibility lay with parents.  Keep cleaning supplies safely out of reach!

“Pediatric Exposure to Laundry Detergent Pods”